Nous apres la deluge of last year, things are well. Our roof is finally more-or-less watertight, the leak in the pool has after much construction been stopped, and most of the water damage has been rectified. Even the electric garage door is working again. Extra windows have been added in our bedroom for fresh air, and all modern furniture has been replaced by tropical hardwood or, in the case of the kitchen, granite plaques.
End July Minke stopped working at school and her colleagues and parents mobilized to hold a heartwarming farewell for her. Now she enjoys starting the day with a peaceful breakfast in the garden followed by swimming laps in the pool and a visit of the gym. Meanwhile, Minke is working to get a retirement visa for Thailand, just like Kees.
To the dismay of many, the Thai king passed away in 2016, at an old age. The crown prince will be crowned once his father has been cremated. The propaganda machine is working hard to make the future kind as beloved as his father. Meanwhile, Thailand is still under martial law however there has not been a solution to the problems in the south of Thailand where there have been more than 800 violent acts and 300 deaths in the past year.
Laura stopped by in Thailand last year to help in the garden. In this picture you see her with a fiersome machete which she has used to chop down a banana tree in our garden. Banana trees grow like weeds in our garden, and they only produce bananas once. After this they can be removed.
Laura actually had to leave Australia temporarily due to visa issues, and combined this with a quick visit to us. For now, the visa issues are under control again.

In September Minke and Kees spent two weeks in England for a trip with the E-type organized by the Jaguar Daimler Club Holland. The weather could have been better, but also worse. We toured through picturesque England with fifty Jaguars, most of which from the 50s and 60s. On the way we passed many tourist highlights including Oxford, Cambridge, Stradford-upon-Avon, the Jaguar Heritage museum and as a cherry on the cake the Revival in Goodwood.
For a more elaborate report of our Jaguar tour in England click here.
The Mark IV project is progressing. Kees spends much of his time in the Netherlands on this and finds much satisfaction in his new project. Two new wheels have been purchased via Ebay, the motor is back in the car, the radiator has been connected, and the correct Jaguar leaps from the radiator lid. The breaks work, the steering wheel works, and Minke has fixed the interior which now looks like new… the car is pretty much done! |
Minke has this time most likely definitively stopped working and the summer plans to travel through Europe with the Jaguar and caravan are formalizing. Like every year, our new year resolution is to write and call more often. You are of course always welcome at our house in Na Jomtien. In Thai they say ‘Phop Kan May’ or ‘see you’. We cheers to a peaceful and happy 2017 by the light of the full moon.

This page was last updated Januari 2017